ShopSite November 2012 Newsletter
In this Month’s Newsletter…
* Google Trusted Stores Integration
* Version 11 SP2r4 Patches Applied
* From the Blog…
The latest version of ShopSite is: 11 SP2r4
Google Trusted Stores Integration
Google Trusted Stores is a great program to enroll in for any online
merchant that wants to stand out in search results and Google Shopping.
We’ve just made integrating your site and store into this new program much
easier… We have an add-on to our Order Status Module that can pass back
shipping and cancellation data to Google automatically.
Additionally, we can provide you with the code needed on the receipt page
to pass initial order data to Google.
If you’ve been on the fence about joining Google trusted Stores as the data
requirements seem overwhelming, our add-on and code should make it much
less daunting.
You can read more about the add-on module and integration on our website
Version 11 SP2r4 Patches Applied
We have applied the latest ShopSite 11SP2r4 patches to all hosted stores
that are running version 11 SP2.
The patches address a number of small bugs and issues. A full description
of the issues addressed may be found on our News Page at:
If you’re running an older version of ShopSite, we highly recommend
upgrading to the latest version.
From the Blog…
Lots of good ShopSite / ecommerce tips from The LexiConn Blog:
ShopSite Tip – Embed Order Anywhere- Tip for embedded links to more info
ShopSite Tip – Show Amount Left to Free Shipping- Code to tell customers
how much more to spend to get free shipping.
The Procrastinators Guide to Prepping for the Holidays- Easy tips to follow
to make sure you maximize sales this holiday shopping season…
Top Ecommerce Blog Posts and Articles For October