August 2019 –

Forum Forums Featured Clients August 2019 –

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  lexiconn 5 years ago.

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  • #49560



    Description: Luxor, an EBSCO Company, is an industry leader in developing furniture solutions that foster a more collaborative, functional and productive work environment.  Dustin from Luxor states, “Our extensive range of products includes Stand Up Desks that help keep employees focused, Standing Desk Converters that add new life to old office spaces, Mobile Charging Carts that meet the learning needs of today’s classrooms, as well as Dry Erase Boards that invite innovation, AV Carts, Utility Carts and much more.  All of our products are designed to meet the needs of the modern work space while priced to meet the realities of an increasingly competitive marketplace.  And of course, the quality of a product is only as good as the service that supports it.  Luxor is proud to be recognized for our exceptional customer service.  Fast, friendly and experienced, our dedicated team is ready to meet your business needs.”

    Technologies Used: He continued, “After years of running the Luxor website on a rudimentary, home-brewed store front, we took the plunge to elevate our website offering to our dealers and users in general.  Even though Luxor is not an ecommerce shop, we chose to use Magento 2 as the platform to represent our products in case a time came where we offered checkout abilities to our dealers.

    With this transition to Magento, we also implemented a custom Image Download module that allows our dealers and customer support to quickly search, find and package product images for use on other websites or promotional materials.

    Having at least some form of a CMS (Content Management System) was also a huge help.  Before this move to Magento, adding a product to the store front required accessing the database, finding the proper table and manually creating a new row for the new product. Doing it this way, was not only a bit tedious, but also terrible practice.  Now, with Magento, all of our Marketing team can easily and safely update/add products, create and edit CMS pages, and much more.

    For privacy we partner with TRUSTe to ensure we meet the requirements, policies, and practices to meet EU-US Privacy Shield and/or Swiss-US Privacy Shield.”

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