Description: Since 1998, Enzyme Essentials has been dedicated to providing potent, high quality plant-based digestive enzymes accompanied by superior service to their customers. Amanda from Enzyme Essentials states, “Our research, our clinical experience, and our formulating expertise provide our customers with a remarkable opportunity to achieve optimum health.
Our approach to supporting good health is simple: Give the body the nutrients it needs, clear away the waste and allow your body to manage its resources. Enhanced digestion, circulation, detoxification and a healthy gut environment collectively provide more efficient nourishment of the cells. This allows the body to work smarter, not harder, resulting in more energy and less stress on our systems and organs for overall wellness.”
Technologies Used: Amanda continued, “We have been using ShopSite for years but have just recently switched all our pages over to a full ShopSite store. This will make it much easier to update pricing, list items on sale and even provide our members with an automatic discount as part of their member registration process. No more need for coupons and emailing links to customers for discounts.”
Advice / Tips: Amanda finished, “Be sure to include the GA tracking information and use the ShopSite features for tracking customer and sales. It’s always amazing to see what products really strike a chord with customers and learn more about why those customers are coming to your site. I can’t thank LexiConn enough for all their help and support in getting this website built. They were quick to answer questions during the build and helped me improve some pages with their fantastic support.”